U-GEN is one of the few molecular diagnostics companies based in the Greater China Region with experts from the three regions and vertical integration of upstream, midstream and downstream capabilities of the IVD industry for the provision of precision medical care.
We master three advanced technology platforms for IVD product development of health-threaten diseases, particularly for the Chinese population. In the upstream, we have developed advanced multiplex magnetic beads technologies as one of our technology platforms for our diagnostic product development. In the midstream, we have commercialized, and continue to develop, in vitro diagnostic testing kits and reagents targeting early-stage tumor screening and major chronic diseases. In the downstream, we have established professional laboratories in Beijing, Changsha, Xiamen and Hong Kong to provide precision medical diagnostic services. We devote ourselves to make the company a pioneer in the field of precision medical testing in Asia.
Our Vision
Caring of People, Life and Health
We care about people and aim to guard the health through whole people’s life as our mission.
We position ourselves to become a health provider in the fields of genetic testing, early-stage tumor screening and chronic disease preventive care in Asia and global Chinese communities.